October 27, 2023
Earth Matters Season 3 BannerThe DLC's Earth Matters Winter Webinar Series Returns for an All-New Season Beginning November 1

This third season of Earth Matters offers up a new topic the first Wednesday of each month beginning in November and ending in April. This season will focus on the Hudson Valley's rich and eclectic biodiversity and history. We are pleased to announce our lineup of speakers for the third season of our Earth Matters Winter Webinars:

November 1
Becky Nesel "Geo Beck" - Geologist and Science Communicator
From Ocean Floors to Glacial Shores: The Hudson Valley's Geologic Story

December 6
Tom Wessels - Terrestrial Ecologist and Professor Emeritus at Antioch University
Reading the Forested Landscape

January 10
Dave Strayer - Retired Freshwater Ecologist for the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
The Past and Future of the Hudson River

February 7
Robert Thorson - Professor, Author, Scientist, and Journalist
Stone By Stone: The Magnificent History of New England's Stone Walls

March 6
Will Tatum - Dutchess County Historian
Palimpsest of Land Use: Reading the Landscape as a Historical Source

April 3
The Institute for American Indian Studies
Etuaptmumk: Two-Eyed Seeing in Our Daily Lives

All webinars will be on the Zoom platform and will begin at 6:00 PM Eastern. Please visit our events page for more detailed information and to register.