July 25, 2022
Plan Bee NewsWe had a great time at Plan Bee Farm Brewery in Poughkeepsie on Saturday, July 23 as we learned about the sustainable farming taking place here and the rich agricultural tradition of the local land.
The DLC was at Plan Bee Farm Brewery on Underhill Road in the Town of Poughkeepsie on Saturday, July 23. What had originally been planned as wetland walks morphed into talks within the brewery itself due to the record setting heat and humidity. Brewery owner Emily Watson gave a robust history of the farm and wowed guests with the extent of sustainable agriculture taking place here. Nearly all of the ingredients that go into their beer is grown on the 25-acre farm on which the brewery is located. What isn't grown on the farm is sourced locally, with 100% of ingredients coming from New York State.

DLC ecologist Julie Hart then gave a fascinating talk on the history of farming on the land in this location and throughout Dutchess County, explaining how the geology and geography of the land determined what could take place there. Before, between, and after the two sets of talks, the DLC interacted with Plan Bee guests, letting them know about the good work we're doing protecting land throughout Dutchess County.